The Dependable Few

Our mission is to provide support for those who serve in the blue collar industry. We stand for the men and women who get up every day and bust their backs to keep this great country moving forward. We provide affordable apparel and accessories aimed towards hard-working Americans. One of the largest issues in the trades today, is the lack of good workers entering the workforce. To counter this issue, we are making great strides in creating scholarships for young adults looking to get into or advance their career in the trades.

As for the future, we are working to expand our horizon to help blue collar workers in the industry. One of the ways we plan to solve the labor shortage is by creating a network to connect employers with the right workers. We are one family. We (the owners of The Defendable Few Supply Co) would like to thank all of you for the great things you do for this country.

Our Team

Grant Anderson
Co-Owner/Production Manager

I am the Co-Owner and production manager for The Dependable Few Supply Co. An apparel company that stands by blue collar workers all across the country. Alongside managing The Dependable Few Supply Co, I am a carpenter out of Minnesota. I also own a general contracting company specializing in residential remodels. With an associates degree in building construction, I have worked next to many contractors, both unionized and non-unionized, commercial and residential. I have seen both the beauty and pain the construction industry has brought to many hard-working Americans. As this company grows, I plan to share the success with those struggling in the field.

Lucas Krause
Co-Owner/Operations Manager

As the Co-Owner and operations manager, I ensure The Dependable Few Supply Co is in good standing with consumers and partners. There is a long list of responsibilities I hold within the company; design creation, website management, advertisement, consumer relations, charity and resources, networking and connections. I have graduated with two associates degrees in building construction and construction management. With my experience in the field as an ironworker and now a project manager on multimillion dollar projects, I have seen numerous problems that workers face within the construction industry. Offering solutions and opening doors for workers and young adults is a huge passion of mine.

A Special Thank You

We would like to extend a special thank you to all blue-collar workers: all Carpenters, Masons, Concrete finishers, Laborers, Iron workers, Mill workers, Mechanics, Gazers, Farmers, Plumbers, Electricians, HVAC technicians, Highway/heavy workers, Janitors, Equipment operators, Landscapers, Insulation installers, Drywall installers, Painters, Utility workers, Pipelines, Welders, Waste management, and all those who fall in between. The men and women that wake up every morning to provide, no matter the cost. For the long days, the blood, sweat, and aching muscles, we thank you. You are all very much appreciated, even when it may not seem like it. You’re not only essential but depended on every single day. You are what keeps this country from falling. When situations arise, there are only a certain few that rise to the occasion. For that, we thank you. Without you, roads would crumble, homes wouldn’t be heated, towns wouldn’t be built, toilets wouldn’t flush, and hunger would flourish. From the laborer with his shovel, to the painter with his brush, we each do our part to create beauty for all to enjoy. Your hands are a gift, and you are the artist. No matter the town or city, beauty is all around if you look closely enough. Every building, road, farm, and landscape was paid for with the blood and sweat of a blue-collar worker. For that, we gratefully thank you.


The Owners of The Dependable Few Supply Co